Boundaries Statement
Dual relationships, regardless of nature, can jeopardize the well-being of a student. If I feel a pre-existing relationship may cause harm to a current or future student, I may refer them to an alternate educator and prohibit the use of my educational services.
I assume that all individuals are more likely than not to have a history of trauma. As a practitioner of Trauma-Informed Care, I recognize the role trauma may play in an individual’s life. I do my best to promote environments of healing and recovery rather than practices and services that may inadvertently re-traumatize. In that light, any student may request to be released from course enrollment or individual instruction due to trauma activation; simply reference: TIC in an email. Reimbursement will be made for any unfinished classes or sessions.
I am personally a survivor of emotional, verbal, psychological and spiritual abuse. If a student’s personal convictions or values are triggering my personal trauma history, I reserve the right to terminate their educational contract, with an appropriate refund, in order to protect my healing process.
The Five Guiding Principles of Trauma Informed Care are are: safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment. I encourage all students to protect their individual healing journeys. Read more about Trauma Informed Care HERE.
Time is the one thing we will not get back. I carefully guard my time and refuse to be bullied into hustle culture. I freely reserve the right to say no to speaking engagements, teaching opportunities, and more that do not serve myself, my business, or my family.
I do not take meetings or calls on Mondays or Tuesdays as I often work on the weekends and I enjoy the grounding practice of cleaning my home and cooking for my family on these days.
I respond to emails within one week of receiving them. If your message needs immediate attention, please notate that in the subject line.
I practice unapologetic self-care. I move my body five days a week, and will not schedule meetings or calls during my group exercise classes.
I do Morning Pages every morning and will not answer emails, texts, or calls before 8am.
I celebrate rest. I take naps. I believe our culture values martyrdom and I do not condone this for anyone.
I take a time of rest and play every quarter to recharge my creativity in order to provide you with the most value for your investment.
I practice an abundance mindset. I believe that my time and talents have worth and value. I will charge an honest and fair price for each course I create.
I believe in asking for help, if you EVER desire to take a course or enroll in one-on-one sessions and cannot afford it at that time, PLEASE reach out to me personally via EMAIL. Many graduates provide scholarships for new students and I would love to connect you to the needed funding.
I do not schedule free coffee dates to discuss life situations as it relates to my particular areas of expertise. I have invested time and money into this work, and it is now my sole source of income. Any individual is welcome to schedule an hour of one-on-one time with me and it will be my delight to serve you.
“Self-care is an ethical obligation.”